Monday, November 3, 2008

CNN is Bia's, Yes they are

Today I responded to a blog I follow on Face Book. It was presented at 11:25 am EST on CNN by Veronica DeLaCruz. They wanted to know what I though about the Candidates Foreign Policy Plans. Having Minored in Foreign Affairs in College and Being home today, I responded. They presented it out of context as expected. The question and link are stated below:

"Good morning everyone! Please keep the discussion going on Homeland Security. How do you feel about where the candidates stand on issues like the War on Terror, Guantanamo Bay? Please take a look at this link and post your thoughts!!"

What I Said:
National security is a subject near and dear to my heart. I work in the military and aerospace arena and I need to bring to light that besides the medical device industry, it is one of the few areas of our economy that has any growth and that the US lead's the world in. Most people in the US forget that we are hated around the world due to envy. You are always envious of the biggest / richest / most prosperous people. In the international arena is no different. We do need to be vigilant versus aggression.

It is time we revitalize our public diplomacy arena. The practices of the CIA and TSA / DHS are more than draconian. Having a new approach outside of those agencies is a good start. Advantage McCain
The patriot act and the Telecom Bill are not imposing to me as I really don't have anything to hide. We need to rebuild our friends as well as enemies. Deciding who those enemies are is the hard part. We have some allies I think we could do without and a stern hand is needed, Advantage Senator McCain.

Dismantling Gitmo with a Military Trail is a good first step. Having a plan for the rest is better, Senator McCain has a plan, in looking at Senator Obama’s plan I see a lot more rhetoric than plan. Call me Joe the Veteran /Engineer but I like a straight answer. Advantage Senator McCain

What CNN presented:

It is time we revitalize our public diplomacy arena. Having a new approach outside of those agencies is a good start. We need to rebuild our friends as well as enemies. Deciding who those enemies are is the hard part. We have some allies I think we could do without. I guess no one in the Dorms had any thing worth while to say.

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