Sunday, February 8, 2009

Further proof why children should rule the world

My nephew has it MADE! He is a precocious six years old and is the first grandchild to three Grandmothers’ or me maws as he calls them, who absolutely adore him.
He plays the part very well and it never ceases to amaze me the things that come out of his mouth. The combination innocence and logic really makes me think there is hope for the future. My youngest sister is one of the few items my older sister I agree on is that she is the best of all four of us.
Now to set the table for this story I need to tell you that my older sister lives an alternative lifestyle. She has a great partner and has many friends with whom she frequently holds parties.
This past Christmas, she had the great cookie exchange, where every one came and brought five plates of cookies. My nephew and my youngest sister were there, there was another boy there who was seven, and two women are raising him. I am not going to say that is wrong because there are many traditional parents out there who have no business having children and this is a kid who is being raised in a loving caring home. That is all that matters currently.
The two boys went down to the basement and were playing while we adults were upstairs talking. When the cookie exchange started, the boys came upstairs. My nephew has never been a shy kid walked up to my sisters friend Jay and asked him; “Are you “A’s” daddy?” Jay who used to have a drag queen act told my nephew; “No I am A’s Aunty Jay.” Un phased by this remark my nephew started looking around the room for a man who would fit the bill for the dad role when the other boy “A” stated very proudly and matter of factly; “I have two mommies.”
My nephew, not to be out done but very matter of fact stated; “I have three Me maw’s” The two boys then shrugged their shoulders and went back downstairs to play. The rest of us upstairs were somewhat stunned but smiling about the exchange and went on to enjoy the rest of our time together.
As time has passed I thought; “what a wonderful thing, that a disagreement can be settled not by how much money or property you have but how much love you are getting from the mothers in your life, which in this case would be pretty much even.

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